Are Most Spiritual People Introverts?
Many believe that spirituality and introverts go hand in hand, so let us explore whether that is justified or not. Upon hearing the word, people naturally think it is a person who does not like to go out. They are shy, anti-social, and much more. Much like others, they too want to go out and spend time with their friends and family. To do so, introverts need some time to themselves to recharge their energy, which they later spend on others.
An extrovert, on the other hand, feeds off of energy at social gatherings and dispenses it into the air. They use social interactions as a means to recharge and recollect their energy. So, for all those reading this, what do you think? Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Similar Traits of Introverts and Spirituality
Individuals who possess characteristics of being an introvert also have the capacity needed to follow the path of spirituality. Due to how similar the traits for both are, many introverted people like to spend their time and energy on spiritual activities. They tend to ground themselves by exploring the path of spirituality.
Some of the most prominent traits of introverts that push them towards spiritual behavior include the following:
Picking Solitude as a Means to Recharge
Introverted personalities embrace themselves when they are left alone with their thoughts. Studies have proven that introverts like to embrace quiet interiors. That is natural for them, as they tend to charge themselves for and gain energy through solitude and then spend it during social gatherings. Therefore, introverts have a natural inbuilt system that allows them to be naturals at spirituality and spiritual activities. They are so indulged in quietness and viewing their inner self that introverts have the power to dig deep and embrace the path of spirituality more easily.
Prioritize Their Inner Voice and Inner Compass
They tend to give more priority and importance to their inner voice and inner compass to help make decisions. Much like spirituality, introverts also strengthen their gut feelings with the help of looking within rather than seeking help from external parties. They spend time and energy to improve their instincts and internal feelings towards the path of spirituality, to achieve oneness.
Moving Towards Deeper Connections
The world has shifted over the years, instead of individuals prioritizing other individuals; they have moved to giving more attention to material objects. In the case of introverts and spirituality, that shift has not come about. They still give higher regard to deeper and more meaningful connections, as compared to superficial and unimportant ones.
Instead of wasting high-value energy on meaningless interactions, introverts like to save their energy for connections, which help them grow and build themselves. Spirituality is the basis through which introverts extend themselves into a more positive and growth-filled space.
How is Introverts Path to Spirituality Can Different from Extroverts?
Both introverts and extroverts are human, they both practice spiritual activities, and it helps both personality types. However, the paths they take are non – identical. Let us look through some of the factors where spirituality varies in both personality types.
Practice Meditation
If both personality types are new to meditation, the exercises and the concept on its own is more comfortable and quicker for an introvert to grasp as opposed to an extrovert. Introverts are more likely to fit in with meditative practices due to their natural state of being. They are more calm and collected; additionally, they are more used to collecting energy in a tranquil environment.
Doing exercises such as yoga, mini-meditation, and breathing exercises are easier for them. Therefore, adjusting to the concept, practices, and activities of meditation will be much easier for an introvert as opposed to an extrovert.
Connecting to Nature
While extroverts need social activities to survive, introverts need nature as a core element for their survival. It makes it likely for an introvert to enjoy practices like forest bathing that brings them closer to spirituality. For an extrovert, it comes as a bit of a challenging process as they strive to separate from the crowd and shun off technology while connecting with nature.
Make Deeper Connections
The main principle on which introverts strive is the fact that they have put aside making connections with worldly items; instead, they put all their energy in forming more profound connections. This is more meaningful for them, and it is what they prioritize. Side by side, extroverts are the complete opposite; they need to make new connections to make themselves feel fulfilled.
Extroverts generally prefer to make a large group of friends, as opposed to a few deep relationships with a smaller number of people. The foundations of spirituality focus on making deeper connections; therefore, spirituality comes more naturally to introverts.
Finding a “True” Friend
Picking friends wisely is extremely important; they are a mirror replica of who you are. Making a good friend allows for external motivation; however, making a lousy friend can result in a negative aura.
For introverts, deciding on making new friends is where they give a lot of thought. If a new friend is not on the path of spirituality with them, it can become a problem for them. For an introvert to sustain growth and learn new things, they need an extrovert who will respect their opinions, choice, and space. Much like that, extroverts need an introvert who can guide them through the right path.
Seeking the Unknown
Because introverts have experience with thinking deep and spending time alone, they have the power to get in touch with their true calling in a more effective manner. Whether they are seeking answers to questions or just seeking the unknown, it comes to them with minimal concentration. For an extrovert, they need to concentrate harder to find their true calling.
Spirituality is a sense of looking deep into oneself, and both introverts and extroverts can do it. The practices involved will be different for both introverts and spirituality are one. If extroverts want to walk on the path of spirituality, they have to try harder and concentrate more. Spirituality comes more naturally to introverts as they have a more reliable connection when it comes to deeper relationships, isolation, and their internal locus.
__ Written by Music Of Wisdom team